My Professional Journey

My Personal and Professional Development took a big leap on account of my strong inclination towards Social Causes which got me in touch with people from all walks of life and greatly helped me develop my skills as a team player and an organiser. In line with my desire to work for SocialUpliftment and empowerment I ended up Joining Rotaract, which gave me an unparalleled opportunity to hone my leadership skills, with 3 Consecutive years as a Club President and several years as a key member of the District Team in Rotaract.

In my years with Rotaract, as a youngster I got an opportunity to lead large teams for execution of large Fund Raising and Social Upliftment projects. This exposure was a great boost for my Personal Confidence and Leadership.

Post a dynamic and illustrious Academic Period I moved into the Corporate World with stints with some of the best Corporates in the Corporate World. My stints across Manufacturing, Financial Services, Human Resource, Hospitality Industries helped me develop extremely Versatile Management Skills to adequately qualify for my being termed as a Versatile Corporate Leader.

The entrepreneurial streak in me pushed me to move forward with a strong emphasis of International Business, each one of our Business Verticals has the potential for becoming a leader in the relevant fields.